every breath you take
every move you make
every bond you break
every step you take
i'll be watching you
my auntie's gonna be in china for three months
so i get to use the laptop :D
okay, bored !
i woke up from my nap at ten
so now i probably wont be able to sleep till like 3 AM :/
school's such a bore
falling asleep at practically every lesson has become our (me & mabel) new hobby

so cool right ! we didnt pose for the picture :D

ha - lo - eu - nice,

i - love - you.
i love you too clio ! :D
and darling darling, stand by me
11:44 PM;
xoxo, eunice
8:47 PM;
xoxo, eunice
cause shes bittersweet
she knocks me off my feet
and i cant help myself
i dont want anyone else
(joakim sang that song !)
jonathan didnt win ):
so depressing.
but its okay, he'll be as famous anyway :D
watching singapore idol at the indoor stadium is just awesome
the atmosphere and all, WHOA
but some people who were sitting infront of me, mabel & nat
at the results show were like covering their ears when we were SCREAMING for joakim, jon & paul.
whatever :/
so i was damn high & all at the results show
BUT mabel & nat didnt want to cheer with me ! ):
so i was being a retard groupie ALONE
but nat cheered in the end, for HADY
what a traitor please !
especially when we got seats from jasmine
who indirectly got them from jon
sitting behind the judges, and
NATALIE SIMONE CHAN appeared on tv
watch out for her during the encore people !
when we were leaving, shalom came and told us that
JOAKIM was at the buses there,
so me & nat being CRAZY over him ran all the way there !
we managed to HUG and TAKE A PICTURE with him !
-faints. he's still as hot as ever
when they left, we ran to the other side to wait for JONATHAN and hady
GURMIT came out and we took a picture with him too ! :D
JONATHAN finally came & we were calling "JON JON JON!"
so he came to US first & we hugged him like mad groupies
pictures are with nat, upload them laterr.
now idol's over,
and its back to books books and MORE books. ):
should i stay or should i go
5:58 PM;
xoxo, eunice
today is the best day ever. (:
10:08 PM;
xoxo, eunice
all that i am
all that i ever was
is here in your perfect eyes
they're all i can see
me mabel & nat didnt go to school today
we had a super duper impromptu
HAPPY GOOBERS sleepover at my house
wasnt even planned
mabel couldnt stayover at first
but finally her mommy allowed
and my dad was quite pissed that i didnt ask them first =X
hehhh, nevermind !
went to nat's house after having bar chor mee
stayed there till around 10 plus before heading to my house
watched singapore idol. and camwhored with nat's ibook
as seen by the pictures below. HAHA
joyce called in the morning to ask me to go to school for the career talk
before 9 AM. cause we paid for it.
i told her i'd try. but i fell back asleep after telling mabel
sorry joyce !
anyway we woke up at 11 plus then went to COOK brunch
but our soft-boiled egg was such a failure
went back to nat's house at 12 plus
i cant remember what we did
except that nat was talking to ***** online & we got so bored !
went town with mabel to meet mommy
mabel went to meet bev all
(speaking of bev, im gonna upload the pictures soon kay!)
let's do that again okay, lover ? (:
so prelims are OFFICIALLY over
but then i had a reality check with mandy & jane
and it seems that we cant really rest at all ):
only five weeks left to Os
and if i want to finish my physics, chem, emath, amath, accounts f-y-s
and t-y-s
and prelims papers.
i dont have much time
> : (
i should go study now
(maybe tomorrow. beauty sleep comes first)

do re mi

they make me happy (:
you know you're really friends with someone when you dont have to talk all the time
10:22 PM;
xoxo, eunice
6:32 PM;
xoxo, eunice
omg, i so didnt regret going for idol at PS on saturdaythey FINALLY decided to make a poster specially for the top 2 finalistsso YAY !& jonathan RECOGNISES me !"hey, i recognise you. you were at NUS yesterday in the uniform right?""REALLY? yah. i was the one who printed out the A4 picture of you" HEHH.
can you see the BEAUTIFUL ? (:
haha, the A4 picture which i printed omg, i think im obsessed with jon ): which is really bad thankgod idol will be over next monday went for the mediacorp recording yesterdayended at 12 midnightWHOA, thankgod daddy camethere's amath paper 2 tomorrow & i really shouldnt be here nowshall update about everything tomorrow:D
10:05 PM;
xoxo, eunice
you cant sleep, you cant eat
theres no doubt, youre in deep
your throat is tight, you cant breathe
another kiss is all you need
anyway, went NUS yesterday to see jon & hady (: pictures up later ! then went to town with grace izza and nat grace went meridien, i went to cine and izza and nat went to meet renny (hey, it rhymes ! HAHA) gonna go ps now to hug jon HAHA. it doesnt matter if im wrong or right
1:15 PM;
xoxo, eunice
how come everytime you come around
my london london bridge wanna go down
like london london london
wanna go down like london london london
so for the past two days
i've been studying with lover
at the rooftop garden and her house
EUNICE ; life is an ugly, awful place not to have a best friend. says:
haha !
daryl. says:
hahah fine fine
EUNICE ; life is an ugly, awful place not to have a best friend. says:
quick say it
daryl. says:
daryl. says:
yes yes
daryl. says: eunice jie jie
daryl. says:
im sorry
and THIS is for MAPELLL !

AHAHAHA ! -grins
shant say who it is
otherwise the person will KILL me
omg, im so bored
gonna leave the house now
and meet grace yow to go NUS
to see JONATHAN !
so i tried,
i lowered my pride
but did that help ?
not exactly,
except in making me pathetic
12:06 PM;
xoxo, eunice
three words, i miss youalrights, off to watch singapore idol on TV ):
& to finish studying physics
bye all
we can do this im gonna try
8:07 PM;
xoxo, eunice
8:36 PM;
xoxo, eunice
i wonder if you know
how they live in tokyo
if you see me then you mean it
then you know you have to go
FAST & FURIOUS (DRIFT DRIFT DRIFT) :D accounts paper tomorrow no no no NO ! vann is scared, so i should be MAJOR scared :/ so i shouldnt be here now. ROAR went for the roadshow on saturday with huiyun only took many many pictures of the idols haha, didnt queue to go up and get their signatures ohwells, i have the top 10 signatures i should be happy. HAHA sunday, met grace and went to macs to study rather productive except that grace was sleeping for an hour plus went to granny's place after that today ME AND CELESTE GOT CAUGHT IN THE RAIN THANKS TO GRACE ! cause she made us follow her to her grandma's house and then it started raining, BADLY. so we went to vann's house to dry ourselves ended up sleeping & and doing accounts there till now okay, BYE ALL ! now i know, nothing ever stays the same ever.
8:47 PM;
xoxo, eunice
okay quick post grace and ali are at my house watching princess hours paul got out ): so sad lah seeing him, jon and hady crying and gurmit wanting to cry I CRIED TOO ): especially when i was so scared jonathan would get out :/ but it wasnt as bad as his other fans who appeared on tv all teary eyed so anyway, I HUGGED JONATHAN LEONG
i was the FIRST to hug him on thursday okay
:D haha and its so unfair! shalene got to hug hady !@#$%^&*( okay, bye !
1:54 PM;
xoxo, eunice
my cherie amour,
pretty little one that i adore
you're the only girl my heart beats for
how i wish that you were mine
damnit, i miss hearing joakim sing that song ):ohwells. SIGHHHHHHHjust came back from singapore idolWHOA, the top 4 are
i dont know who's gonna get out tomorrowdoubt it'd be paulhe has ALOT of supportersunlike, jonathan& im afraid to vote for jon, in case he gets out :/me being such a jinxwaved to dick AGAIN.(ashley, be jealous)went back to school to take accounts bookthen met grace and headed to wake sukkian up at her housethey were watching princess hours ?hehh, vann came, then conniewent to my house to SWIM !haha, me grace connie were like soaked in baby oilgonna FRY ourselvesswam, went to the sauna where we were sweating like crazy
shared a shower cubicle with graceHAHA ! damn funny lah shevann went home, then we went to play pool for a whilethen went to eat chicken ricereached home, changed and got ready to go for SINGAPORE IDOL !YAYY !held on to hady's hand and refused to let gohaha,
he's darn hot (:
made eye contact with him again !
(now mandy, be jealous)
thanks to shalene. gonna make eye contact with hady. HAHAoh & on tuesdaygrace came to my house where she fell asleep watching emily rose :/hmm, i cant seem to upload her picture.nevermind, laterr.
they love my webcam (:make you fall in love with me
11:15 PM;
xoxo, eunice
one, you're like a dream come true
two, just wanna be with you
three, girl it's plain to see
that you're the only one for me
got my new cam (:
yay, gonna upload like loads and loads of pictures
cam-whoring, here i come !
just finished reading "someone like you"
and i found a good quote from it !"life is an ugly, awful place to not have a best friend"AWWW.
the book's basically about friendship and this mother-daughter relationship
kinda interesting.went to school at around 11 plus with grace to play ball
didnt swim with them, went to study with celeste and izza instead 
attempting to study.
OMG, THE THINGS THEY DO !took damn retarded videos which i cant upload to youtube cause its too darn big ):we were doing SINGAPORE RETARD IDOL
and whoa, the two of them are REALLY retarts.
hahah at around 4, they came to my place
where more cam-whoring and retardness took place
here are some of the pictures ! (too many to post it all)
they never fail to make me smile (:
haha, yes im trying to break free from their kisses
however, celeste loves our kisses
SO DOES IZZA ! (see her big smile?)
all in all, we still love each other
mirror mirror
& im so proud of myself !
i managed to trap this BIG FLYING COCKROACH
see that evil little thing which scared the shit out of me ?
so let's see
lover stayed over at my house on thursday night
so that we could prepare for krunk TOGETHER (:
putting the bronze and all
great night.
the modelling thing was crappy !
last minute, the police came and said NO BIKINIS ?
like ookayyyy
so all the girls had to do last minute cover-up
ah, what nonsense
went for the party after that
OHMYGOSH, the grass was like MUDDY
and all of us were complaining that out slippers were getting real dirty and all
six to six is REAL tiring
grace was falling asleep everywhere.
so i was packing my room
& i found letters which you wrote to me
probably at the begining of this year ?
& it amazes me that i can still smile like a jackass while reading it
ohwells, i guess things will never be the same
i know that something has changednever felt this way
9:05 PM;
xoxo, eunice
just came back from krunkdead tiredwoke up at 10 am yesterdayand i havent slept till nowthat's like over 24 hoursWHOAAme jeaa huiyun & tandiono went to watch frostbite even though we were SO TIREDhaha, it was funny lah !ohwells, im gonna go resti NEED my sleep OH OH and i forgot to add the DICK LEE did the "I LOVE YOU" hand sign to ME:DDDDDDand me and shalene got dick, gurmit & daniel's signature.whoots, adding to my collection. (:alrights, laterrEXCUSE ME, PEOPLE ON MY TAG BOARD !STOP REMINDING ME THAT JOAKIM IS OUT OKAY I AM SAD ENOUGH ALREADY ROAR.now there isnt anyone SPECIAL to supportcause EVERYONE'S supporting jonathan, hady and paulsooo, GO JASMINE !HAHAHAHAshe'll probably be out nextcause whoever i vote for usually gets out soon.x)
cause i went to vote for joakim and he got out
ah whatever.
4:26 PM;
xoxo, eunice